Internal Medicine Team
Donald Wiggins
Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine
BVM&S CertSAD CertSAM MANZCVS (Medicine of Cats) ISFM Adv Cert FB MRCVS RCVSDonald graduated from Edinburgh University in 1983, and was a partner in Woodcroft from 1993 to 2016, when he decided to step down as a director to concentrate on his work as a veterinary surgeon. He has postgraduate certificates in dermatology and small animal medicine, adding another in medicine of cats in 2018, followed by the International Society of Feline Medicine Advanced Certificate of Feline Behaviour. His main interests are internal and feline medicine. Outside work, he has three rescue cats – Pablo, Binka and Maya – and Polly the whippet, who he enjoys walking, especially in Anglesey.
Alex Wilson
Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine
BVSc CertAVP(SAM) MRCVS RCVSFollowing her graduation from Bristol University in 2008, Alex spent four years working in charity practice for the RSPCA at the Greater Manchester Animal Hospital. She then took up a role within a large private veterinary hospital practice, during which time she developed a keen interest in internal medicine. She joined Woodcroft Vets in April 2015 and has since studied for a postgraduate certificate in small animal medicine, as well as being recognised as an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in the field.
Helen Baker
Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine
BVSc PG Cert. SAM MRCVSHelen graduated from Liverpool University in 2009 and joined the Woodcroft team in 2011, following two years in a small animal practice in Lancashire. She gained her certificate in small animal internal medicine in 2016 and became an RCVS Advanced Practitioner thereafter. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring the great outdoors with her husband and their two young children and, when time allows, jogging – and chatting! – with friends
Fiona Mahon
Head Veterinary Nurse
RVNFiona joined Woodcroft in 2018 after training and qualifying as a veterinary nurse at another practice. She now spends most of her time working alongside the internal medicine referral team in the hospital but also enjoys her time working with the hospital inpatient team and A&E department.
She is currently working towards a veterinary nursing certificate in small animal medicine to further develop her knowledge of the discipline.
In her spare time, Fiona enjoys going on long walks with her German Shepherd Obi and rock climbing.