Referral Prices

This list is not exhaustive. To get a quote, please get in touch with the reception team at Woodcroft Veterinary Hospital.

Consultation Fees

​Initial consultation - £299



​MRI - from £3,000

​CT - from £2,500

​Abdominal Ultrasound Only - from £468


Orthopaedic Surgery

​Lameness investigation - from £2,000


​Fracture repair - from £4,000

​Complex fractures (e.g. comminuted) - from £5,500

Joint Surgery

​Tibial tuberosity advancement (cruciate failure) - from £4,500

Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (cruciate failure): 
- Small - £4000
- Medium - £4250 
- Large - £4500

Closing wedge osteotomy (cruciate failure) - from £4,500

​Lateral suture (cruciate failure) - from £2,500

​Patella luxation correction - from £4,000

Soft Tissue Surgery

Head and Neck Surgery

​Total ear canal ablation (unilateral) - from £3,000

​Total ear canal ablation (bilateral) - from £5,000

​Brachycephalic airway surgery (BOAS)

- Dogs <10kg - £3,250
- Dogs >10kg - £3,500

​Laryngeal tie-back - from £4,500

​Bilateral anal sacculectomy (non-neoplastic) - from £2,200


Thoracic Surgery

​Thoracotomy and lung lobectomy – from £5,000

​Thoracotomy and oesophageal foreign body / tumour removal - from £6,000

​Oesophageal foreign body removal by endoscopy - from £2,000

​Feline diaphragmatic hernia repair - from £2,500

Abdominal, Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Surgery

​Subtotal colectomy - from £3,500

​Cystotomy - from £2,500

​Perineal urethrostomy - from £3,000

​Splenectomy - from £3,000

​Cholecystectomy - from £5,000

Skin and Body Wall Surgery

​Perineal hernia repair (unilateral x1) - from £3,000

​Perineal hernia repair (bilateral x2) - from £4,000

​Wound management and skin reconstruction - from £3,000

Laparoscopic Surgery

​Liver Biopsy – from £1,250

​Cryptorchid (retained) castration – from £834

​Routine Spaying (ovarioectomy) – £364 - £520

Laparoscopic Spay - £616 - £845

​Gastropexy (prophylactic) -  from £1200

Internal Medicine

​Ultrasound abdomen only - from £482 (excluding sedation. Sedation costs from £170)

​Investigation gastrointestinal disease – from £1,750

​Management of Diabetic ketoacidosis – from £2,500

​Investigation of Weight loss – from £1,750

​Raised liver enzymes (inc. liver cytology/biopsy) - from £1,750

Bronchoscopy & BAL including general anaesthetic (excl bloods & x-rays) - from £1500


​Sudden onset blindness investigation (consultation, blood tests, blood pressure, electroretinography) – from from £1,200

​Cataract assessment (consultation, gonioscopy, ocular ultrasound ± ERG) – from £500 (+/- £600)

​Lendectomy by phacoemulsification inc IOL implantation (unilateral surgery) – from £5000

​Lendectomy by phacoemulsification inc IOL implantation (bilateral surgery) – from £6000

​Feline corneal sequestrum surgery (keratectomy and corneo-conjunctival transposition) – from £3000

​Deep corneal ulcer surgery (conjunctival graft or corneo-conjunctival transposition) – £2,500

​Superficial keratectomy (for indolent ulcers) – from £1,000

​Superficial keratotomy & bandage contact lens under general anaesthesia (for indolent ulcers) – from £1,000

​Repair prolapsed third eyelid gland – from £1,500 

​Simple entropion surgery – bilateral – from £1,500 

​Complex entropion surgery – bilateral – from £2,500

​Distichiasis surgery (electrolysis and cryosurgery) - from £1,500-2,000


​Investigation of asymptomatic heart murmur (consultation, B-mode & Doppler (colour flow, tissue and pulse wave) echocardiogram & blood pressure) - from £1,100

​Full cardiac work-up (consultation, full echo exam (inc Doppler & diastology), blood pressure, ECG, chest radiographs taken under sedation, routine haematology & biochemistry) - from £2,150

​Investigate syncope (as above plus event Holter monitoring) - from £2,950

Behavioural Medicine

​In clinic assessment or telemedicine 2-3 hours - from £604

​Additional medical investigations/medication - from £353

​Follow up clinic assessments (per hour) - £188


​Typical first referral dermatology appointment - from £450, including:
- consultation
- skin examination
- skin sampling with on-site microscopic interpretation 
- tailored treatment plan (excluding medications)

​Additional tests may include: 

- Allergy Testing & first course of Immunotherapy - from £1,200
- Intradermal Allergy Testing (including GA) – from £900
- Skin Biopsies (including GA & Histology) – from £950


Maxillofacial, Oral & Dental Surgery

​Consultation (30mins) - £299

​Consultation – subsequent - £210.64

​Standard (inclusive of general anaesthesia & detailed oral examination) - from £600

​Detailed (inc. general anaesthesia, detailed oral examination & intra-oral radiography) - from £750

​Stomatitis (as above + viral testing , biopsy, haematology & biochemistry) - from £750

​Oral masses (as above + biopsy, haematology & biochemistry) - from £1,000


​Non-surgical periodontal therapy - from £550

​Surgical periodontal therapy - from £1,250



​Fillings (e.g. for decay/caries, fractures, enamel defects) - £600 - £1,500

​Root canal treatment     - £750 - £1,500

​Multiple root canal treatments - £950 - £2,500

Oral Surgery

​Closed extraction(s) - from £1,150

​Surgical extraction(s) - from £1,750

​Upper canine/ carnassial extraction(s) - from £1,150

​Lower canine extraction(s) - from £1,750

​Root remnants   - from £1,750

​Full clearance - from £1,750

​Cyst enucleation - from £2,500


​Coronal reduction & odontoplasty - from £1,150

​Surgical orthodontics - from £1,500

​Fixed appliance  - from £1,150

​Appliance removal - from £600

Physiotherapy / Hydrotherapy

​Physiotherapy session    - £61.36

​Aquatic treadmill sessions - £61.36

Photo/laser therapy - £23.34